Fitness for Ski Instructor Training: Long & Strong 17

Fitness for ski instructor training Long & Strong 17  is a leg session that you are going to know about tomorrow. Keeping the weight sensible and form perfect is key, there is no point using sloppy form and going heavy through a poor range of motion. While training to become a ski instructor movement quality is key. Sloppy form and poor movement mechanics just reinforce bad habits.

We only have a few weeks left on this cycle before we have a week of rest and recovery so keep pushing forward and keep your mobility and maintenance work up. We are nearly there.

Warm Up

Limber 11

500m Row

Main Resistance Training

Full & Quarter Front squat – Every minute on the minute for 6 minutes (6sets). Use a weight that is 5%-8% heavier than last week.

Every 120 seconds, for 16 minutes (8 sets): DB Snatch x 2 reps each arm
(Goal is perfect reps, drive through the heels and finish in full extension. Do not rest for 120 seconds between sets before going through your set up. Start a running clock perform the first 2 reps on each arm. When the clock hits 120 seconds be ready and immediately perform the next set and so on.)

C. Every 120 seconds, for 10 minutes (5 sets): Back Squat x 4 reps at 3%-5% increase on weight used last Monday.
(Same as above, this is not 120 seconds rest. It is 120 seconds then you must be ready to go.)

Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (3 sets):

  • 20 Walking Lunges with KBs (24/16 kg KBs in each hand)
  • 15 Pull ups

Cool Down

Sealfit Hip Mobility drill

Full body foam roll